Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Becoming My Mother

The older I get, the more I begin to understand my mother. While growing up, I always thought that she was so strict and that I didn't get to do anything I wanted to do (typical teenager). Being a rebellious teen, she gave me space to grow and yet still guided me along my path making sure I didn't veer too far off. As I grew into a young adult, I still remember the first time I said, "Mom, you were right." And the older I get, the more I look back and try to put myself in her shoes so I can understand why she did the things she did. Now as a mother, I find myself becoming like her; for example, in the things I tell my kids, like " 'Not me' doesn't live in this house" when they're in trouble. 
You know, our mother-daughter relationship has it's ups and downs. Sometimes we argue, sometimes we're good friends, but at the end of the day, she'll always be my mom. I understand the love she has for me because I have the same love for my kids. And I know no matter what, nothing will change that; not being a bratty teen or a selfish young adult. Though it may be difficult to show sometimes, the love is always there.

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

I'm All About Shortcut Keys

If there is one thing my colleagues from past to present know about me, it's that I hate using my mouse when I work. I don't want to touch it if I don't have to. If there is a shortcut key, I want to learn about it; anything to minimize the amount of clicking I have to do with a mouse. To me, having to move my right hand back and forth from the mouse to the keyboard isn't an efficient way of getting work done. It drives me crazy when I need to train someone that uses their mouse for everything. What takes them four clicks to accomplish, I can do it with two keys. But I digress. Maybe I'm just impatient.

Monday, October 10, 2022

Separate Accounts

Story time! At the beginning of this semester, during one of the first meetings with Mr. Wu via WebEx, he did his usual share your screen, and made me click here and there. During this process, we found that my school One Drive and my personal One Drive were having issues coexisting together on my laptop. When opening a word document or excel spreadsheet, the account would always default to my personal Microsoft account and not my school account. So, I would need to logout of my personal Microsoft account and login to my school Microsoft account. I was a frustrated mess trying to figure out what was going on. Me being me (a.k.a. lazy), I wasn't going to logout and login every time I needed to use Word or Excel for school. I knew there had to be a solution.
So to ease my frustrations, I figured, why not just create another user account on my laptop just for school. And that's what I did. Problem solved! So now I have my personal user account, which naturally is the admin account, and my school user account on my laptop. Having two separate user accounts is so convenient - for me anyways.

Monday, October 3, 2022

Busy Bee

I honestly don't know how I keep my life together sometimes. Having to keep track of my work schedule, school schedule PLUS my kids' school and extracurricular activities, it's amazing I'm not running around like a chicken without a head. Thank goodness for Outlook's calendar. I can have my personal, work and school calendars all in one place, color coded by calendar type, and set reminders so I don't forget upcoming appointments and meetings. I appreciate that I can schedule things months, even years, in advance. I am connected to my calendar on my phone, on my personal laptop, and on my PC for work. I'd be lost without my calendar.