Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Becoming My Mother

The older I get, the more I begin to understand my mother. While growing up, I always thought that she was so strict and that I didn't get to do anything I wanted to do (typical teenager). Being a rebellious teen, she gave me space to grow and yet still guided me along my path making sure I didn't veer too far off. As I grew into a young adult, I still remember the first time I said, "Mom, you were right." And the older I get, the more I look back and try to put myself in her shoes so I can understand why she did the things she did. Now as a mother, I find myself becoming like her; for example, in the things I tell my kids, like " 'Not me' doesn't live in this house" when they're in trouble. 
You know, our mother-daughter relationship has it's ups and downs. Sometimes we argue, sometimes we're good friends, but at the end of the day, she'll always be my mom. I understand the love she has for me because I have the same love for my kids. And I know no matter what, nothing will change that; not being a bratty teen or a selfish young adult. Though it may be difficult to show sometimes, the love is always there.


  1. A beautiful story of love and understanding :-)

    May your kids see the same in you ^_^

  2. I read your article, and I can relate to my situation! When I didn't raise my children, I really didn't know the distress of being a parent! People who don't have children don't see this kind of deep understanding! Of course, as a mother, you are excellent! You are definitely a good role model for your children! (both in the study and in life)

  3. "Though it may be difficult to show sometimes, the love is always there." Amen! This post made me teary eyed because I have very similar experiences, especially with being given the space to grow. Affection is rarely shown in my household through words, but I know for sure that the love is shown through actions.

  4. Reading your post was enjoyable. Prior to becoming parents, we do not fully comprehend the reasons behind what mothers say or do. Never say never is what my mother keeps telling me. Since everything is uncertain and we can't predict what the future holds.

  5. I can totally relate in having a mother daughter relationship, as I truly loved the relationship me and mother had. Though I may not have kids of my own yet, one day I will. I hope to create the best loving relationship that I had between my mother and I. The joy of having family is one of life's best endeavors.

  6. My mom for me was my biggest means of support growing up. Now that I'm older, she's gone, and I have my own children, I find myself trying to be for them what she was too me. My son is 18 and my daughter is turning 15 on Nov 13th, and as they get older, I find myself trying to convey messages to them that I remember my mom trying to teach me. With this also comes the clarity in which she had in trying to guide me through my younger years. So, I am grateful for my mom, wish she was still here, but I feel I am doing right by her in raising my kids the way she raised me.

  7. The older I get the more the I understand the problems we had as a poor family when I was younger. The power going off, internet getting shut off, having to live with cousins for a while. I took these lessons and made sure I never had them when I made it to adult hood.

  8. It is great that you have a good relationship with your mother and that you see part of her in you. Your kids will grow up and go through the same cycle. My kids are all grown up and have their own kids, from afar, I see they've adapted some of my parenting skills and I'm proud to have been that teacher for them.

  9. I am not a mommy's boy but I have learn how to cook like her and do thing like her.

  10. First off we never get old. Take that out of your vocabulary. We are all young at heart. My Mom and Dad made us understand the values of life and what to do and how to succeed without trouble. I have the best role models in my parents. Both are Still alive and well and into their 90's and you would never know it. In December they will celebrate 68 years of marriage. Unreal.

  11. ^- T this was sweet thank you for sharing.

  12. It's so true that our relationship with our mothers changes as we get older and we begin to understand them more.

  13. Aw this was sweet. I still am kind of a rebellious teen with my mom but I understand why she does the things she does. As I get older, I become more calm. We argue somedays and we laugh, but I love my mom more than anything else in this world. One day, I will be a mother too. I know my mom's words will stick with me! Lots of love to you Tiff x.

  14. Most of us may relate to this story since it is what we define as "growing up". Like you said, when we are young, we do not have the same perspectives as our mothers, but as we get older and encounter those things, we can begin to consider why our mothers sought to stop us from doing those things.

  15. It's definitely strange hearing ourselves start to sound more like our parents, we often times don't see how similar we are until we face similar situations.
