Wednesday, October 19, 2022

I'm All About Shortcut Keys

If there is one thing my colleagues from past to present know about me, it's that I hate using my mouse when I work. I don't want to touch it if I don't have to. If there is a shortcut key, I want to learn about it; anything to minimize the amount of clicking I have to do with a mouse. To me, having to move my right hand back and forth from the mouse to the keyboard isn't an efficient way of getting work done. It drives me crazy when I need to train someone that uses their mouse for everything. What takes them four clicks to accomplish, I can do it with two keys. But I digress. Maybe I'm just impatient.


  1. You are certainly not alone, I feel and function the same way as you ^_^

    When I was a college student, in a computer lab, I saw side-by-side someone well-practiced in using shortcut keys and others who can only use the mouse to navigate; the difference is night and day!

    You are not impatient but more efficient :-)

  2. Not at all short cut keys are amazing.

  3. I hate using my mouse when working, too! Using arrow keys to navigate down or up instead of manually scrolling is God's greatest creation.

  4. Every time I read your article, it makes me feel new! I can't entirely agree with you more. Many times the use of shortcut keys not only saves time but also reduces errors!

  5. Shortcut key are a great way to get jobs done faster and more accurate. I'm still trying to memorize some of the Excel shortcuts I didn't know.

  6. Shortcuts are a great way to save time.

  7. Shortcuts are great. My favorite shortcut keys are Ctrl B to bold and Ctrl Z to undo.

  8. One thing at a time for me please. I just learned how to copy, paste and undo with short keys. I am still trying to learn Excel. LOL

  9. Tiffany, the mouse is my friend. Without it I sometimes feel lost. Especially on laptops. I am learning the shortcuts. At my age sometimes it is hard to train a old dog new tricks.

  10. My mouse is my lifeline if things get slow I can increase the dots per inch setting on my mouse to 16000dpi and have the fastest mouse speed.

  11. If only I had learned these short cuts back in high school, my current knowledge of multi-tasking would be much more efficient. Currently though, working with my mouse is more comfortable than using short cut keys. Once I have more use for the short cut keys, then I will learn to use it more often.

  12. I can be the same about not using the mouse but it is so hard for me remember shortcuts!

  13. I enjoy the mouse, usually because I am not or was not even aware of a shortcut to get done a function or something I'm trying to get done. But as I learn of the different shortcuts, I do try to incorporate them more into getting things done quickly more efficiently.

  14. I absolutely love shortcut keys! Copy and paste for the win!

  15. I wish I could type as quickly as you do, but I always use the mouse. I always make an effort to remember at least the most well-known keyboard shortcuts, but by the following day I forget them.

  16. This class has drawn my attention to how useful shortcut keys really are!

  17. I love using shortcuts, especially during work due to the amount switching in and out of different windows, from Excel, to Firefox, to Word, and to Outlook, plus multiple windows of Excel and Word each.
