Monday, October 10, 2022

Separate Accounts

Story time! At the beginning of this semester, during one of the first meetings with Mr. Wu via WebEx, he did his usual share your screen, and made me click here and there. During this process, we found that my school One Drive and my personal One Drive were having issues coexisting together on my laptop. When opening a word document or excel spreadsheet, the account would always default to my personal Microsoft account and not my school account. So, I would need to logout of my personal Microsoft account and login to my school Microsoft account. I was a frustrated mess trying to figure out what was going on. Me being me (a.k.a. lazy), I wasn't going to logout and login every time I needed to use Word or Excel for school. I knew there had to be a solution.
So to ease my frustrations, I figured, why not just create another user account on my laptop just for school. And that's what I did. Problem solved! So now I have my personal user account, which naturally is the admin account, and my school user account on my laptop. Having two separate user accounts is so convenient - for me anyways.


  1. So you created a separate Windows user account so it default to your CSN Student Email credentials in Office instead of switching back and forth within the same Windows user account, brilliant!

    You not only learned new skills but applied it in your own situation where it works for you, excellent :-)

    What a wonderful story ^_^

  2. Personalized ease of access. Great thinking! Personally, I simply switch accounts with 4 simple clicks. I like that my personal and school accounts are all connected under my desktop Office 365 account across my laptops and phone.

  3. I had the same issue with the coexisting accounts. I use Chrome for this course only and Firefox for everything else. Firefox likes to keep me logged into the new CSN gmail account instead of my original.

  4. I too had the same issue, and I did what Kevin did. I use Chrome and Firefox for separate accounts. At first, I got a bit confused but then I got the hang of it.

  5. Basically that is what i did. I bought a new laptop and everything on there is for school. If I had to do anything outside of school i will use my phone so everything i do on the laptop will only be for school.

  6. Great idea. Will check mine to see if I am having the same issue.

  7. I made a separate user account for schoolwork too! It's so much more convenient and I like to be more organized with where certain files and documents go.

  8. Whenever I read your blog, I learn something valuable without knowing it! I just know that the gap between you and me is far more than a few exams can represent. Your talk, manners, and attitude to study are worthy of my admiration! Tiffany, you are amazing!

  9. It's always good to organize and separate school and personal emails. Otherwise it can turn out confusing.

  10. It's always good to separate your accounts and keep them organized to avoid confusion.

  11. That for sure seemed like a bit of hassle. I am glad you were able to get this figured out.

  12. I created a new account just for school, so I do not get personal life and school mixed up. It sure helps.

  13. I had the same issue thanks to Windows 11, my personal one drive for some reason kept overpowering my school one drive. I had to sign out of my school one drive and just use it web based. Thank you so much for sharing.

  14. I had to create a sperate account at home, because I use my wife's home office computer to do schoolwork and it was getting difficult to access everything from her account when she wasn't at home, or if she was sleeping, I didn't want to have to wake her up in order to get access to something I needed for school.

  15. Glad you were able to find a solution, I see how that could get hectic.

  16. I'm not really a computer or app person, but I think having a personal account and a school account is really helpful so that information isn't mixed up between the two.

  17. I do fairly well at keeping my school and work separate. Applying equal effort to them is where I fall short.
