Monday, October 3, 2022

Busy Bee

I honestly don't know how I keep my life together sometimes. Having to keep track of my work schedule, school schedule PLUS my kids' school and extracurricular activities, it's amazing I'm not running around like a chicken without a head. Thank goodness for Outlook's calendar. I can have my personal, work and school calendars all in one place, color coded by calendar type, and set reminders so I don't forget upcoming appointments and meetings. I appreciate that I can schedule things months, even years, in advance. I am connected to my calendar on my phone, on my personal laptop, and on my PC for work. I'd be lost without my calendar.


  1. Interesting choice of Outlook from 1.3.7 :-)

    Outlook's calendar is definitely a life saver!

    Keeping up with your work, college courses, plus your kids' school and extracurricular activities, definitely make you a busy bee ^_^

  2. Great job Tiffany. Staying busy is the key to success. Throw in the kids and extra activities what more can a person ask for? Keep it up.

  3. In daily life, what can be done by nature, can also be done by industry; Hard work can do what genius can't do.
    Tiffany, you are the best!

  4. I've been keeping my daily tasks on Microsoft Quick Notes since it syncs across all devices with its simplistic design. I may look into Outlook for the scheduling features.

  5. Outlook and Calendar are always useful to keep organized and on track of things. Life can be so messy.

  6. I think I need to start incorporating the calendar in life at time my life gets so crazy.

  7. Outlook calendar is very useful when you have to manage your school assignments, work tasks, and family schedules. Taking the time to organize my calendar has also helped me tremendously.

  8. My math professor briefly discussed having a planner to be organized but I can never find it in me to keep up with having one whether it's digitally or physically! I even bought a dry erase calendar whiteboard months ago and it's been blank since May.

  9. Having a calendar helps manage everything.

  10. I agree, I don't know how you are doing it all, your calendar seems jam packed busy. I hope you have a back up to everything you do. What would happen if everything turned off, electricity and internet, and devices? What would happen if all access is denied from all platforms? Do you have physical back up? Though I may not have it all together myself, I surely still make sure to have a back up that nobody can access.

  11. You sound like a super woman! I seriously look up to you. You are doing so great!

  12. WOW, Looking forward to being able to use Outlook like this ^_ ^.

  13. Outlook Calendar? Wow! I have not used it yet. Your time management is incredible! I wish it always gets easier for you!

  14. I honestly have never used calendars, I think it is a great tool to have to remind you of important dates.

  15. I use my planner to keep track of my daily activities but after your post maybe I'll consider taking it digital!

  16. You are "preaching to the choir", I have two calanders in my house and one on my phone, and i still have no clue what day it is. I'm getting better though, admitting that there may be a problem is the first step.

  17. I definitely ought to check out Outlook Calendar. Despite the fact that I don't have children as you do, my life has also been very hectic. So you have my utmost respect!

  18. You are an inspiration! I'm trying to get on your level. I have kids, but they don't live with me and it's just me and my wife at home and I still find it difficult to find the time to get everything done in the day. Keep up the good work.
