Wednesday, November 2, 2022

"But it's the way we've always done it"

If there is one phrase that irritates me most at work it is, "but it's the way we've always done it." I can't tell you how many times I've been told that phrase. Just because you've always done something a certain way, it doesn't make it right. My favorite question to ask people is "why?". Explain to me why. If you can't explain to me the "why" behind the process, and you tell me because "that's the way it's always been done", it just shows me that you don't truly understand what you're doing. And I recognize that you're just doing what you were trained to do, going through the motions that you were taught because "that's the way it's always been done." But sometimes the way something has always been done is actually in violation of an internal control which could cost the company tens of thousands of dollars. But I digress.
I love what I do, I just get irritated when someone tells me "but it's the way we've always done it."


  1. Asking 'why' is the first step :-)

    Why some folks use that as a response may be that they lack the authority, influence, incentive, or combination of the three to change the 'way it's always been done'. Sometime it takes a change in policy/procedure or associated cost of non-compliance are needed for the change to happen.

    If it's important enough or costly enough, sooner or later, it will catch the attention of someone responsible.

  2. Thanks Tiffany for teaching me another lesson. I lack your tenacity and perseverance. When my boss says the same thing to me, I usually walk away because I know there's nothing I can do about it. But your thoughts and words let me know it's time for me to change. Thank you -Tiffany! You are not only my classmate but also my spiritual mentor.

  3. This has gotten me in a lot of trouble, I ask too many questions. I got to a point where I just had to agree to disagree and move on. Making something simpler can enable the business to concentrate its efforts on tasks that are more crucial.

  4. I agree with you Tiffany. It is annoying when someone tells you "but it's the way we've always done it." Especially when they can't give you a valid reason. Most companies are set in their ways that they are blinded to change.

  5. I agree with you! If there is a better way, why not progress?

  6. I had to deal with this in the Navy and it took years for leadership to change i.e. waiting for them to transfer commands.

  7. I totally understand and agree with you on this. The way it's been done should not be the way it should continue. Comfort is the kryptonite to progress. This phrase covers more than just work applications, it can also be applied to all life situations. Without the understanding of this phrase, any type of process will have its issues when trying to progress. So after graduation I hope to make a better future, rather than just " it's always been the way it's done".

  8. Challenging tradition in a work environment can definitely lead to resistance in change and can even be seen being disrespectful of orders from your higher-ups. Thus, no one ever dares to ask why certain things are done and just does what they're told. It's hard to get someone to be a little more open-minded, but what can you do about it? :):

  9. Wow you sparked something in me. That phrase can also stop development and growth. Someone can tinker with the system and stay within the rules and improve the process then shouldn't we always be thinking of ways to change it instead of stagnating?

  10. Change is a hard habit to break. When asked why? I used to say Why Not? There are times for changes especially when it comes to $ for a company. Those kind of changes need to be made.

  11. Change is a very hard thing to do. It's easy to get comfortable with the way things are and to just keep doing things the way we've always done them.

  12. I was told something similar and it was "its been that way for 17 years they are not gonna change it cause you think its fair". Well with consistence in asking to change things it took only 3 years for them to consider to changing the contract.

  13. I work in a restaurant, and I try not to question things too much because that would only lead to trouble. However, just as you stated, businesses only want us to work in a certain way and never facilitate work for us, so even though that is what we are paid for, they need to understand that other approaches are equally effective and can still be successful.

  14. It's definitely easy to get used to doing things a certain way, it's good that you challenge people to really consider what their doing.
