Wednesday, November 9, 2022

The Holidays are Here!

With the holiday season starting, so do the parties and get togethers. And I am probably one of the few people who aren't looking forward to any of that. Don't get me wrong, I love the idea of the holidays like Thanksgiving and Christmas. I just don't like having to go parties and get togethers. Family parties are fine, I don't have a problem with those. It's the parties like company parties and parties where I don't know many people. I prefer not to "people" when I don't have to. So, I will think of any excuse to get out of going. If I can't get out of going, you'll find me in the corner just people watching. It's a bonus if I have food to eat while people watching.


  1. I share your feeling of not liking to "people" when I don't have to :-)

    I hope you survive through the holidays ^_^

  2. I was never much for Christmas parties unless they were family organized. My family in L.A. would come by the bus loads. lol. With work and music people would think I am more of a party type guy. I am just the opposite preferring more quiet time than party time. Raising 4 kids has a lot to do with it. It helps that they are all in different states.

  3. The only holiday parties I enjoy are the ones with people I know. I’m not a very social person so I always come up with an excuse to not go to these holiday events where I don’t know anyone. I rather just stay home with my family order a pizza and watch movies.

  4. I'm so much like you. That meaningless social interaction really turns me off. Looking at a table full of bird's nests, shark fin soup, and king crab, I'd rather go home and eat porridge with my family.

  5. My thoughts and feelings are on a different tier. In my past, I grew up as an anti-social person. In my present, I am more cautious who I am around with, but I am sociable as much as I can be. There's no point in hiding in the house all year long, that don't make sense to me. The holidays are the best time to socialize with family and friends, in my opinion. I love all the get togethers, the parties, and the food. 10 months out of the year, most people are either busy with what they have going on, and don't have time to be social or party. That is why when the holidays are here, I wish to do as much I can with the people I care about.

  6. I can relate to not wanting to go to holiday parties and gatherings. I don't always enjoy being around a lot of people, but family is fine.

  7. It is only fun when you know the people and you can mingle freely. Otherwise, it can be a drag. I understand how you feel. It is an awkward feeling to be around people you are not familiar with, but it can also be an opportunity to open new doors. Someone told me once to be bold. By bold, they meant, take chances and being bold takes self-esteem. If your self- esteem is there, it will match your boldness to stand out.

  8. I never had a thing for holiday partys. In the Military they have mandatory fun days which are not actually fun by any means. The events are informal where attendance is "required" for everyone in the department.

  9. I am the same way. I totally do not prefer to "people" when I don't have to. It is so hard to stay on a diet with all these upcoming pot lucks!

  10. People watching, That was me as well. I would eat and chat for a bit then leave. Now I find myself wanting to celebrate and be social; I do feel like you do in regards to holiday parties. Not looking forward to them, I would prefer to spend time studying. Thank you Tiffany for sharing.

  11. I love doing these party events. Don't care if I don't know anyone I will try to make people want to know how I am. Just have to find the time to go to these events.

  12. I always only make effort for family get-togethers because I rarely get to see them. The food can be a hit or miss because I don't have a taste for some of the traditional Filipino dishes they put out on the table, but still :p

  13. I feel the same way you did about this. I made the decision to quit going to parties once I started high school since they were not my thing. However, holidays are designed to let us unwind and enjoy ourselves, so I hope you have good times.
