Sunday, November 20, 2022

No More Bonus Quizzes for Me!

Finally! It's over! I took the last of the bonus quizzes - BQ12 and BQ13. It took me at least 45 minutes to an hour to complete both quizzes on paper. And I studied. I printed out the practice guide and wrote down all my answers because I believe in muscle memory; if I hand write my answers, the more likely I'll be able to recall them.

BQ12 reminded me of BQ1 with mostly all fill in the blanks. BQ13 is where you needed to explain to the Hillbillies your answers, like most of the bonus quizzes we've had. I was provided with a screenshot of an Excel sheet to use as reference for the quizzes. It's just a screenshot, not actual Excel, so you won't be able to manipulate the sheet or anything like that.

The best tip I can give is to use the practice guide provided and write down your answers since this quiz is on paper. When the guide says to practice an action, please open the Excel program and practice because there are questions that ask what the process is or what's the step in the process. Also, know how to use PEMDAS and when to use absolute cell references. And lastly, there are questions that ask about functions. All the functions in the practice guide will be used (HINT: look at questions 3, 19-23). The one that I had the most trouble with was the SUMIF function. I already know I got that one miserably wrong.

Don't stress too much about these quizzes, as they are BONUS. The way I look at it is, anything I got correct is a plus. It was better to try to get bonus points than not try at all. I'm just glad it's over. No more bonus quizzes for me!


  1. Actually, there is BQ14 at our class session :-)

    Excellent advice of not only writing down the answers but actually practice the skills referenced in the PRACTICE Guide for BQ12 & 13 I published in Canvas!

    Well said: "It was better to try to get bonus points than not try at all" ^_^

    1. Ugh... and here I thought the bonus quizzes were over. 😭

  2. You are a goddess in my heart, a great mother, a professional food connoisseur. Remember to come to my house next week to pick up big buns!

  3. I was going to say congratulations on finishing all the quizzes, then I read Mr. Wu's reply. I'll say this, you are just about done! But yes, congrats on finishing BQ12 and BQ13. I appreciate the tips you've given. They will come in handy.

  4. Tiffany, you are a true inspiration. The quizzes sound difficult, I’m still thinking if I'll take them. Thank you for the tips.

  5. Thanks for the tips I hope it will help me.

  6. The end of the semester is almost here and all the BQ's are almost done. Thank you for the helpful tips, I will try to implement them as best as I can. I hope to pass BQ12/13, otherwise I will die if I don't. :p

  7. Oh wow, I've been done with bonus quizzes!... since the 4th week of the semester 😭😭 I always end up coming to class late because I hate waking up early, but what matters is that I still came to class!

  8. I basically gave up on the bonus quizzes after #4 seeing as how fast I flew through LabSim and the certifications.

  9. I love how everyone in the comments are being so honest. I am also a firm believer of muscle memory. You are always the best for trying to help the rest of us

  10. Tiffany this was insightful, and you are appreciated.

  11. Thanks for the information. What another BQ? I thought these were the last. Oh well I need all the help I can get.

  12. I am really thrilled for you since you really utilized the majority, if not all, of the extra quizzes in this class. So, Tiffany, congrats.
