Thursday, December 8, 2022

PowerPoint Presentations

I've personally never had to use PowerPoint much to present my work, until now. This is the first job where I actually have to utilize PowerPoint to present my audit findings to upper management. I'm so thankful to have taken this class and learn how to make my presentation and delivery more professional. If there is anything I've learned from this class when it comes to PowerPoint presentations, it's this:

  • Limit the amount of extra space on the slide; you want to highlight the most important points with pictures or graphics.
  • Keep only key words on the slide; everything else can be put into the notes section for the presentation.
  • When presenting, face the audience, speak clearly and slowly for everyone to hear what you have to say.
  • Practice makes perfect; you don't want to go over the time given for your presentation.
Even though I personally dreaded having to present in class, I'm glad that we all had to do it. This was a learning experience that I am able to apply at work. Hopefully one day I'll become a PowerPoint presenting pro!


  1. I'm elated to hear IS101-3012, Fall 2022 helped you deliver your audit findings to upper management more professional ^_^

    Excellent four key points to keep in mind and implement when creating a slideshow and giving a presentation!

    Hmm... If you could sanitize and trim the information, you can easily use that slideshow for Optional Assignment 10 Improved Slideshow Presentation as Silvia did with her slideshow from another class :-)

  2. I share in Professor Wu's sentiment, these are skills that I will do my best in taking to heart.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Throughout my 5 years in the Navy every presentation was done through PowerPoint. To the point it was called death by PowerPoint. There have been terrible presenters who manage to put entire classes to sleep and the occasional star higher level enlisted that have decades of experience with PowerPoint. If you take a look at the Wikipedia page it's even got its own section on "Military Excess Use".

  5. Creating PowerPoint presentations in IS101 has been a great experience in expanding my knowledge of PowerPoint. The easiest part of a presentation is putting it together. The more difficult part is actually standing in front of an audience to present the information.

  6. To become an expert PowerPoint pro is a very dutiful task. It would take me a decade to master it. Just kidding. I appreciate this class just as much as anyone else that had to learn the same lessons and present in class as well.

  7. The key points you mentioned are spot on. I dislike presenting so much but now I know what I need to work on to be more at ease when presenting. I truly believe that you will succeed and be a PowerPoint presenting pro.

  8. I agree with you. When making a Presentation, if there is no Powerpoint, it will be very stiff and unnatural.

  9. Super Tiffany! I can only imagine what your like at work. This chapter just helped enhance your look didn't it?

  10. I was always a Google Slides type of person because I barely touch Microsoft Office; my teachers in high school never advised us to use PowerPoint as well. It was always Google Docs, Google Slides, Google Classroom, Google everything! I'm also very thankful for this class because it teaches us to touch on Microsoft Office apps and services. PowerPoint personally ranks #1 because it's the easiest out of Excel and Word. *chef's kiss* Saving the easiest MO certification for last is the cherry on top to end the semester.

  11. I was more comfortable doing a PowerPoint presentation in this class then any of my other previous classes. It also didn't take me that long to make one.
