Thursday, December 15, 2022

So Grateful

As this semester comes to an end, I'm so grateful to have been a part of this class. This is the first class where I feel like I actually know my peers. We shared parts of our lives here through blogging, and that's how we got to know one another. We show up to class on Saturdays to learn, connect, and build friendships. This is one of the very few classes I actually wanted to come to every week.

I want to thank Mr. Wu. He wanted every single one of us to succeed from the very beginning with BQ1. He kept in touch with us via WebEx when we needed help with assignments or to take exams. What other professor works with you on their personal time off, at all hours of the day, to ensure you are getting the support you need from them? I haven't come across any other professor that would do that for any student, except Mr. Wu. His level of dedication to his students is rare and admirable. I appreciate everything he has done to push me to be the best I could be in his class.

I want to thank my peers. Thank you for sharing parts of your lives through your blogs. I loved reading everyone's posts. I feel like these blogs allowed us to share and connect with one another, unlike other classes where we all would just be another face in the crowd. 

I am so grateful for each and every one of you. Though I may not have personally spoken to most of my peers in person, I feel that I've come to know just a little bit about you through blogging and our PowerPoint presentations. I wish everyone success in their future endeavors after this class. A hui hou kakou - until we meet again. 


  1. I share your sentiment of being so grateful, Tiffany.

    Though we still have almost a week left, three students from IS101-3012, Fall 2022 definitely shined faster and more luminous than my current and past students with you being part of the trio ^_^

    Thank you for appreciating the time and energy I gladly spend to help my students not only to succeed but to reach achievements and certifications above-and-beyond what's required!

    Also, thank you for articulating the benefit and purpose of my signature A2 Blog Posts, Articles, Videos, Comments :-)

  2. You have been a delight to talk to and get to know Tiffany, here is hoping that we meet up again somewhere down the road.

  3. I'm so grateful that I got to take this class, get to know you, and get to know my classmates. Tiffany, you are incredibly smart and very inspiring. I believe that you can achieve anything you set your mind to.

  4. You were such an amazing person to watch succeed. You are truly an inspiration to me. We all appreciate all the treats you brought in for us all the time. I wish you the best for the future.

  5. I loved taking this class. It was very enjoyable, but I wish it started at a later time because I really really really really hate waking up early during the weekend :') That plays a part as to why I didn't attend class the past few weeks. I'm so happy you were able to accomplish the standard and go farther than that! Good luck on the rest of your journey. Thanks for the 85 Bakery btw, I haven't eaten this since I moved from San Diego in 2017 🌟

  6. I feel the same way! I'm glad I got to know you and your kids in this class. They are lucky to have a wonderful mother like you!

  7. I have the same feeling of gratitude with IS101-3012 and for my peers I felt like the blogger did let us know a little more about each other.

  8. Tiffany, you have a heart of gold. You have been an amazing classmate and an inspiration to me in this learning process. I share your sentiments and yes, Mr. Wu has been our guiding star to be successful at every level in IS101-3012 Fall 2022. I wish you the best in your future endeavors. Happy holidays to you and your family!

  9. I share your sentiment. May you succeed in your future endeavors as well. Have a new prosperous year.

  10. Glad I was part of your journey. Till next time, good luck on your path you take.
