Thursday, September 15, 2022

Why Wasn't This Available When I Was Younger?

Working through the Word lessons in LabSim, I think to myself, why wasn't this available when I was younger? Most of it is formatting and how to make things look pretty in a word document. Honestly, I could've used the References ribbon in middle school when teachers were issuing research papers in 7th grade (which was many, many, MANY moons ago). Who knew you could auto-populate your references for your works cited page? Who knew that word could store sources from previous papers you wrote? Who knew you could change from APA to MLA formats with the click of a button? Who knew you could create a table of contents page without having to format it yourself? Clearly this is all new to me - my mind is blown. 

Needless to say, I'm teaching my kids all these tricks when it's their turn to start writing papers. I won't have them suffer like I did when I was younger - typing everything manually. All they have to do is click here and click there, and voila! Magic! 


  1. The References ribbon is certainly helpful for English classes and drafting academic papers :-)

    Glad you are learning its many functions and teaching them to your kids ^_^

  2. Tiffany, I agree with you. This class keeps getting better. Can’t wait to gain more skills.

  3. Oh yes the magic of technology. It is exciting to learn new things. I have so many papers to do for school, some are APA, some are MLA. Click and modify to get your desired outcome and that's it. I just love it!

  4. We are all surely to learn new things from this course about programs we already use. It is something I constantly look forward to while working through LabSim.

  5. Even thought I went through the effort to build several of my own computers I still have more to learn from this class.

  6. I wish there was a class like this before. Maybe there was but I didn't know about it but this class would of help me out a lot in life. I think this is also the reason why I stayed away from computers cause I didn't know much about them.

  7. We all learn new things every day about the programs we already use just because this class opens our eyes to many functions and shortcuts about each program.

  8. LabSim is truly a game-changer! I was clueless about hyperlinks until I did the skills labs—they help tremendously. I've been using technology since I was 9 years old and it's mind-blowing how there are so many concepts I have yet to learn.

  9. I agree with you completely. Over the years I had to go by trial and error. LabSim now shows us the tools needed to be successful.

  10. Your writing is always so good. The idea of the article is novel; I totally agree with it! If I had learned this lesson earlier, I am sure I would have saved a lot of time over the years.

  11. LabSim is very useful. It teaches many different tools and skills that you may not know about.

  12. I wrote several different kinds of papers in high school, but I was never taught how to use any of the formatting or shortcuts. That was due to what the school wanted us to learn, but they failed to consider the possibility that, given that we live in an evolved society, it would be necessary for us to study these kinds of things in the long run. Furthermore, LabSim is really training us about technology.

  13. Basic computer class has gone a long way nowadays; spell check and WPM were the most important things, but I can't say the same for the current atmosphere.

  14. I agree! During my years in high school, I had to write a lot of essays. LabSim definitely would have helped me a lot.

  15. Tiffany, this is such a mood. The only thing my computer teacher taught was typing tests and how to connect a computer not internally just externally. I look forward to your next post.

  16. I also wish I had learned these skills earlier, my first semester of college would've went a lot smoother!

  17. I'm trying to show everyone i know the keyboard shortcuts and everything.

  18. I honestly wish middle school or high school taught is LabSim it would've definitely been helpful.

  19. I totally agree with you, although there weren't as many sources or resources available when I was coming through school. Having to look up information in an encyclopedia or in an article somewhere is all we had, hoping our information was still relevant and or true by the time we needed it for our papers.
