Saturday, September 17, 2022


Well it's over folks. Passed the MO-100 exam. I didn't get a perfect score, but I still passed. I must say, the exam is similar to what is presented in the LabSims. Similar, not exact, in the sense where you're expected to know what to do without much guidance, AND you don't get to see which sections you got wrong in the end or the correct answers. It just shows your score and whether you passed or not.

To be honest, the first section of my exam, I was really discouraged because I felt like I didn't know 4 out of 5 things it was asking me to do. And in a later section, there was one part where it was asking me to insert a shape, it gave me the name of the shape, but I couldn't find it for the life of me. Looking back, I was probably looking in the wrong area altogether, but I tried my best.

Three things I learned while preparing for and taking the exam:

1. Read each section CAREFULLY. Key words are used so you know what to look for and where it could possibly be.

2. Don't waste your time on one section. I tried really hard to find the shape it wanted but realized time was counting down and I couldn't waste anymore time. So I decided to give it my best guess answer, and just keep moving on. 

3. If you feel like you're not ready, it's ok. If you don't do well on the exam the first time, it's ok. You CAN retake the exam if needed.

And lastly, if you need help or want tips, I am more than happy to help where I can. 😊

I know each and every one of us will pass these exams and earn the MOS Associate certificate.

We can do it!


  1. You more than passed with a very high score ^_^

    Excellent 3 points of advice ^_^

    Yes, with the proper amount of diligent practice and careful reading and interpretation of each task of a project is asking for, everyone will succeed!

  2. Congratulations! It seems like that's one of my issues not reading it carefully. I am really nervous about this test but I always get stage fright before anything like this.

  3. Congratulations Tiffany on passing your MO-100. Thank you for the tips, that will come in very handy. I feel that I am just about ready to get mine done.

  4. Congratulations. Great job. Appreciate the advice.

  5. You are amazing for posting these tips. Congratulations on passing.

  6. Congratulations Tiffany! Thank you for the tips. Your hard work and dedication is admirable.

  7. Tiffany is the number one in my heart forever! Her hard work and serious attitude will always inspire me!

  8. Congratulations Tiffany!! Thank you so much for the pointers!!

  9. Congratulations on passing the MOS-100 exam, One thing I noticed doing the LabSim exams is read everything word for word.

  10. Congratulations on passing. Thanks for posting tips.

  11. Congratulations on passing! I know there are some people who don't perform their best when being timed, and for you to discuss your actual experience can give those people methods on how to be mentally prepared for the exam.

  12. Congratulations on passing! thank you for the 3 points of advice. I try not to focus on the section I can't answer and I keep moving forward in the questions I can answer easily so that I can finish on time.

  13. Congratulations ^-^ this is very helpful. Here's to the Next one.

  14. Congrats! I will also be taking my exam soon. Very nervous and scared but, all will be well!

  15. Great advice, I definitely benefitted from not wasting to much time on tasks I wasn't sure of!

  16. thank you so much for this. Needless to say you've been a trailblazer during this entire course. Not only have you paved they way, but you reach back and pull others up as well. These are righteous actions that are repaid by righteous riches.

  17. I appreciate you for providing all of this information, and I'll make sure to skip tasks that take a lot of my time.

  18. Thank you for your advise Tiffany I will definitely reach out to you before taking the MO-100 exam.

  19. Taking the exam was interesting to me, cause I came in very confident in my abilities, but as the exam progressed I felt I was taking to much time in trying to get things done. I starting to get nervous about whether or not I'd be able to finish in time. I did end up finishing with a little bit of time to spare and I passed, not with a score I thought I was going to get, but I was happy none the less that I passed. After taking MOS-100 I look forward to tackling the others exams and maybe going after the expert level in the future.
