Saturday, September 10, 2022

Bonus Quiz Thoughts

After getting through this Bonus Quiz 2 today, I learned a few things about myself. 

1. I should read the question being asked and find key words to pick out to fully understand what is being asked.

2. I should keep my answers short and not over explain on one topic.

3. It's a bonus quiz so don't stress about it. If I get a zero, no harm done. But if I get a half point or a full point, then cool.

I'll be better prepared for the upcoming bonus quizzes. Hopefully.


  1. Excellent three points!

    Honest and sage reflection :-)

    You will improve in future bonus quizzes ^_^

  2. Agreed. I have the same issue. I read too fast and don't find the key words. Makes us stronger for upcoming bonus quizzes.

  3. While reading this semester i'm often skipping words which only happens to be a problem around 10% or so in regards to my assignments turned in so far.
    I can say slightly stress the bonus quiz points because my Spring 2022 semester I went from a C to a B- off 0.10 points so it does matter

  4. Caught me by surprise to get the highest score on the quiz. Hearing that in class I knew I had a new blog title.

  5. I find it hard to read slow, especially having 6 classes this semester. I was taught to speed read when I was younger. It works well when I don't have to catch every detail. Now I have to retrain my brain to slow down and find key words to help me remember important information. Change is an important part of learning.

  6. I agree with your points, especially the third one. Hopefully the next quiz will be better, and we will be more prepared.

  7. I completely agree with all of your points. There is always tomorrow to do better on the next Bonus Quiz.

  8. I am guilty of your second point. I tend to over think things and end up rambling!

  9. Dear deskmate, you are good enough. Please give us poor students a little chance. Otherwise, we can only see the "back of your head" forever. You are the best in my heart, irreplaceable!

  10. Agreed! When I scanned the room, I noticed a lot of people were so focused on the paper and I felt like I was doomed because it looked like everyone knew what they were doing but me. We got this for the future bonus quizzes to come!

  11. Yeah, I kind of bombed the last quiz. I tried my best to study beforehand for this next one coming up! I wish you luck and hopefully we don't stress this!

  12. I need to keep this in mind, thank you Tiffany.

  13. I'll need to memorize these points. However, as you pointed out, they are bonus quizzes, therefore failing is acceptable as long as we strive to learn from them.

  14. I also tend to overthink when answering questions, good luck on future quizzes!

  15. Thanks for your reflection! I will take it into account for the following bonus quizzes.

  16. I agree with your points and especially with the last one. It is only a bonus quiz so it can only help you.

  17. Man, I am tripping out about this bonus quiz myself. I think I need to take what you've noticed about yourself and apply them as well. Thank you for this Blog

  18. These are some great tips, thank you Tiffany. :)

  19. In all honesty I have yet to take a bonus quiz, but it is interesting to see that these quizzes seem to do more than just test your knowledge, but are also revealing different aspects about oneself that you may have not noticed otherwise.
