Saturday, September 3, 2022

Day One - Here We Go!

Welp! Here we are, IS101 Fall 2022. Today's first class was interesting to say the least. I found Mr. Wu's sense of sarcastic humor quit refreshing. It definitely adds a little spice to what could possibly be a rather boring class. Personally, I chose an in person class for this subject as I know I don't do well in remote and online learning environments for two reasons: 1) I am impatient and like instant gratification, and being in class gives me just that - ask a question and immediately get an answer, and 2) I like being physically around my peers, learning from them and being able to collaborate with them. 

With Mr. Wu's guidance and straightforward attitude, I'm sure we'll all do well in this class. He'll keep us on track and call us out if we're not; it's just tough love. Like he says, he's not our daddy, but he sure calls us out on our mess like he is! 😂


  1. Excellent self-awareness on choosing the learning modality that works best for you! Your choice to favor learning effectiveness over convenience is the first indicator of your future success :-)

    I share your two reasons for in-person as I also am impatient and choose to head into head into the office when I am allowed to work remotely.

    Glad you find my sarcastic humor quite refreshing, welcome to IS101-3012, Fall 2022 Tiffany ^_^

  2. Tiffany, I also found Mr. Wu's sense of humor refreshing. He will definitely keep us on track, which is something new for me. Mr. Wu surely cares for our success in this class. This semester will be great.

  3. Very blunt indeed! You have to love it. I decided to take the in person course for similar reasons but mostly due to the fact that I knew this class was going to need a lot of attention.

  4. Professor Wu may be blunt but man does it keep the class refreshed. Some Professors just talk and you kind of turn them off. Not with Wu. he keeps you on track and to the point.

  5. Professor Wu is really different from other professors. It is not only our teacher but also our guide to success. Because of his existence, I have more confidence to learn this course well.

  6. Tiffany, I've always taken remote classes and I felt that I had to study by myself since the teachers did not respond immediately when I had any questions. But, Professor Wu is the best teacher I've ever had because he shows us that we are not alone and we can have his support at any time.

  7. I feel you on the need to be physically in class this is the reason I waited till the pandemic lockdowns were done with before I started college. I just can not learn at 100% in online classes.

  8. I completely agree with you about needing to be in a classroom setting. Also I am a Kinetic Learner which in a physical classroom setting this gives me more opportunities to learn by doing the assignment and engaging and talking it out and physically performing the tasks, rather than sitting behind a computer screen and waiting for replies and such to help from professors and I tend to procrastinate if I was in an online class.

  9. I wouldn't do well in remote learning I am a hands on kind of guy. So glad we are in person learning.

  10. Wow! I also am not the best at remote-learning as well. I enjoy this course considering I am a hands-on learner as well. It allows me to have my questions and needs met as the professor is present in class.

  11. I'm the same way when it comes to learning techniques. Although I'm a bit quiet and antisocial, it would be most convenient to give a quick tap on the shoulder to the person next to me and receive immediate help. I agree on how you perceived the first day as well! First days are the easiest, but most boring, and Professor Wu managed to *not* make it boring.

  12. I initially found his behavior crass and abrasive, on the surface It wasn’t the demeanor I was expecting from a professor. As the classes progressed and my experiences with interacting with him grew, I realized the truth behind the saying; actions speak louder than words. One can be curt and still be CURTeous (courteous). His passion for teaching moved me and got me to acknowledge the bluntness as a change of pace that was much needed.

  13. I agree that having a professor with a sense of humor and directness keeps the class interesting!

  14. I agree; I too selected for in-person instruction since I prefer to get a prompt response and occasionally even useful feedback from my peers.

  15. Hi Tiffany, I too like the in person class setting. Personally, I can do both, but face to face is better overall. I also enjoy the instant gratification and hands on learning that we are doing now. It seems to be a better learning environment.

  16. I also chose this class in person because I don't learn as well in online learning environment.

  17. I definitely, laughed every time he reminded us he is not our Mommy.

  18. I too like how Mr. Wu hold our feet to the fire to get things done while also guiding and helping us if we need it, making sure we succeed and learn what he is teaching.

  19. I agree taking an online class can be challenging at times.
